about me

i was born in south central los angeles

my family left compton for beaverton, oregon

raised in oregon, i was the editorial cartoonist for both portland state and u of o newspapers

i played forward for the u of o men’s soccer team - go ducks!

i attended art center in pasadena california / studied advertising and illustration

i started my film career designing commercials for directors peter smillie / john frankenheimer

eric saarinen / tony scott / rocky morton / annabel jankel / tom dey / ray dillman / tarsem

joe carnahan / frank budgen / jan de bant / daniel barber / sam bayer / baker smith

michael karbelnikoff / steve chase / daniel kleinman / mike mills / allan van rijn

mehdi norowzian / john dolan / jorn hogan / speck-gordon / mike rowles / bruce dowad

david kellogg / geoffrey parish / graham henman / peter bloomfield / randy roberts

phil morrison / christian loubek / blue source / pam thomas / don burgess / jim gartner

big tv / peyton wilson / hoffman bros’ / rachel harms / jorn threlfall / nick lewin . . .

. . .and a few more , forgive me if your name isn’t here.

recently i’ve worked with directors jake szymanski / payman benz / kathryn bigelow / jake scott

peter mckeon / peter atencio / ace norton / nate edwards / marco spier / the malloy’s

allan bibby / martin werner / todd - kylie mueller / jack anderson / mollie mills / james gray

julian acosta / kacper larski / dan gregoras / murray butler / borja pena / henrik hansen

dj caruso / fatal farm / zach braff / joseph kahn / david holm / trevor clarence / sergio cilli

sebastian strasser / sophie edelstein / terence neale / grady hall / trevor conrad / jonas akkerland

adrian moat / scott vincent / marco gentile / steve rogers / chris hooper / nick spooner

jeffery fleisig / adam hashemi /sam auster / liven van baelen . . .

i’m good with budgets “i serve both art and commerce”